Monday, March 7, 2011

Nice Song

Just listen back one artist which i like before I revert to Islam and found one song which is nice. hehe. Here is the song.

Title : 新家 from the artist 阿杜

Lyric :

*天堂的家什麼樣 是不是都長了翅膀
風暴將臨 帶我們逃

我們用愛打造 原諒過往 再擁抱希望
緊緊擁抱 我們的新家

#家 是每個小孩的夢想 淚和汗水流過的胸膛
愛 一塊一塊的砌上 裝上門窗 迎接陽光

#家 是每個心靈的天堂 傷痛了逃回的方向
愛 一天一天的茁壯 家就是天堂

Repeat *,#,#
Simple lyric but with wonderful meaning.


yun n anie said...

what is the meaning of the lyrics,if you wold kindly translate it...