Friday, April 17, 2015

Parents' Love For Their Children

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh, I downloaded these pictures from somewhere which i already forgot. They are very meaningful for me. The pictures' wordings are in Chinese character. Thus, I tried to translate them to English, so that everyone can understand. By the way, I am not a professional translator. So, if anyone who has better translations, please do let me know ya. Thanks... When you are not at home, they will...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Cloth Diapering~~~

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh, Alhamdulillah... Semalam pakcik pos laju hantar sebungkus bungkusan cloth diaper (CD) yang saya order online last week. Selamat sampai ke tangan tuan punya. Yeay~ Tak sabar betul nak buka bungkusan itu. Ada 10 pcs in total. Supplier itu siap bagi satu free big laundry bag & disertakan dengan nota "cinta" - panduan mencuci CD. Malam semalam juga terus pergi Manjaku beli Pureen HAD - khas...