Sunday, December 26, 2010

24 HOUR free consultant of life

If you have any problem in life, you are always welcome to consult Him, for He is always free for you and also always listening to you. He already prepare for you the manuscript on what is your purpose of life and also how you should live it even before you are born to this earth....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cinta kepada Mu

Orang yang beriman itu sangat kuat kecintaannya kepada Allah (Al-Baqarah 2:165) Sesungguhnya Allah telah memberi kita nikmat yang begitu banyak sekali namun Allah hanya meminta sesuatu untuk segala-galanya yang diberi olehnya. Iaitu dengan mengaku bahawa Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w merupakan pesuruh Allah. Mengapa kita perlu cintakan Allah? Jawapannya mudah sebab Allah yang paling mencintai kita. Allah mencintai kita lebih daripada sesiapa sahaja yang telah, sedang atau akan mencintai kita. Bertapa malangnya manusia...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Story of My Journey to Islam

In the name of Allah most gracious, most merciful. All praise to Allah Almighty for everything that He has done on me and also planned for me. With this I began my story. I am born as a roman catholic, been baptized and go through the same process as most of the Christian will go through. My family is a normal practicing catholic. We will go to church every Sunday. And being an active person that I am, I will try my best to participate in the church ministry. Beginning as a helper of the priest (Altar Server) to an organist. My life has been...