Monday, December 30, 2013

The A to Z of Marriage

A ppreciate each other. B e best buddy and C ompanions who Compromise. Co-operate and create everlasting bonds. D iscover new things together. E ncourage each other for good deeds. F orgive and forget matters which cause distance. G aze into each others eyes. H old hands to work for spreading deen. I nspire and intrigue each other towards Islam. J oke and laugh, race each other have fun its sunnah K eep each other’s secrets. L ove with all your...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Akidah Problem

When you have doubt about foundation about Islam, clarify it immediately and do not wait for the chance to appear in front of you because this small akidah issue will most probably lead to big problem that is to associate something with Allah.  When a building has problem on its foundation, the contractor will definitely solve its foundation problem first before proceed to other stages of building. That is why the laying of pillars for building normally take a long time compare to other stages.  Spend more time in building your...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Face it OR Facebook it?

When there are problems among you and your family members, Face it and solve it, not Facebook it.  You won't solve it but you will probably create more problems to yourself such as backbiting, false accusation and maybe worsen your relationship. Allah want His servant to face the problem and not run away from them as this world is a test. And all the tests that we face is to strengthen us and to make us to be someone better. Remember...

Are You Ready for Marriage?

Perkahwinan bukanlah sesuatu yang senang, maka janganlah anda mengambil jalan yang mudah untuk mencapai matlamat anda. Contohnya ialah pergi ke Thailand untuk mendaftarkan perkahwinan, berkahwin tanpa izin ibu bapa. Sebelum itu, tanyalah diri sendiri terlebih dahulu, adakah anda sudah bersedia untuk berkahwin melalui beberapa persoalan di bawah: Adakah untuk berjumpa / berbincang dengan bakal mertua itu sesuatu yang payah? Sekiranya payah kenapa anda hendak menempuh sesuatu yang lagi susah iaitu 'Perkahwinan'? Adakah melalui sedikit proses...

Fried Soy Beans Steamed Egg

Salam, I'm Mei - as known as Mrs. Ng. (not famous, so no need to intro further, right? hehe...) This post is imported from my existing blog. My hubby & I decided to combine our blogs into 1 blog only. Main reason is because we do not want to spend too much time on 2 blogs since our blogs' concept are same : sharing & da'wah. (Plus my blog didn't have many posts compare with my hubby's one. It's better to delete mine than his. My interest is more on "to make the blog looks NICE" only. ;P) ************************************** My hubby...


Ramai yang suka dan gembira apabila orang masuk Islam, akan tetapi bila disuruh untuk berkongsi pasal Islam, banyak alasan yang akan diberi. Dan yang lagi teruk apabila Non-Muslim bertanya pasal Islam, mereka berkata : Anda tidak perlu tahu pasal Islam.  Sudah lupakah kita kepada amaran Allah dalam ayat di bawah? "Dan siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orang yang menyembunyikan keterangan (saksi dan bukti) yang telah diberikan Allah kepadanya?...

Do We REALLY Love Islam?

A parents who are proud of their children will normally talk about their children to others. A salesman who is proud of his product will never hesitate to introduce it to his customer. We Muslim today claim we love Islam. But...... What have we done to introduce Islam to others? How many years have we being a Muslim but how many verses have we convey to others?  For those who say you don't have much knowledge about dakwah,...

What is Marriage?

Petikan artikel ini saya dapati dari fb rakan saya yang merupakan seorang kaunselor yang berpengalaman. Beliau selalu berkongsi ilmu & pengalamannya handle sesuatu kes dengan saya. Ilmunya amat berguna, sama ada untuk diri sendiri, ataupun untuk menasihati orang lain. Semoga bermanfaat.... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Siapakah pasangan anda yang telah anda kahwini dan bakal anda kahwini? Biar...

Non-Muslim = Kafir?

Secara dasar, perkataan kafir bermaksud menutup. maka kafir adalah merujuk kepada orang yang telah mengetahui kebenaran Islam lalu menolaknya.  "Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir (yang tidak akan beriman), sama sahaja kepada mereka: sama ada engkau beri amaran kepadanya atau engkau tidak beri amaran, mereka tidak akan beriman." (2:6) "Sesiapa yang beroleh hidayah petunjuk (menurut panduan Al-Quran), maka sesungguhnya faedah petunjuk yang didapatinya itu hanya terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri, dan sesiapa yang sesat maka sesungguhnya kesan...

Monday, December 23, 2013

A Thought-Provoking Story

There was once a father and son. When the father reached old age, the son began thinking about the inheritance money that would be due to him upon his father's death. His greed eventually overcame him and he became impatient, as it seemed his father's demise would not be imminent. He therefore devised a plan to murder his father, and on a quiet night, approached his father's bedside as he slept. He tied his father up and carried him to a nearby bridge.  As he was about to throw him off the bridge, his father stopped him and calmly...